In this post You will learn how to get http request with XmlHttpRequest, get original file name from URL and download it to chosen location.
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WinHttp Request – get your site status
If You want to check if link is still active, You will just click it and see if site is online. But what should You do if You got 1000 links to check? Or more? In this article I’ll show You how to use WinHttp Request to get your site status.
Continue reading “WinHttp Request – get your site status”SAP session.findbyid – 10 code lines you can identify
When You learn to record script in SAP, your report work become a lot easier and faster. But what do these recorded, SAP secret code lines after session.findbyid mean?
Run-time error ‘9’: Subscript out of range – array
In this post I want to present You the most common error associated with array creation which is Run-time error ‘9’: Subscript out of range.

How to declare Excel range in VBA?
You probably declare the scope of the data in your macros very often. And You want to feel convenient in every case with it. In this post I am going to present You my 5 simple ways of how to declare Excel range in VBA.
Continue reading “How to declare Excel range in VBA?”Change variables value in array
There are variables assigned to array. Will variables value change, if array values change?
Continue reading “Change variables value in array”